3 Easy Mindfulness Practices to Enjoy the Present Moment


Do you sometimes notice yourself getting caught up in feelings of worry, fear, anger, regret, or overwhelm? Are you constantly stuck in a loop of over-thinking, over-analyzing, and obsessing over things that have happened in the past, or events that haven’t yet happened?

Well, sis – lemme tell you something. This used to be me 11 years ago – 111 % of the time.

If you’ve been following me for a while on the ‘gram, you might know that I used to be depressed.
My low self-esteem and my negative thought patterns about my past & future were defining me and my reality. I still get chills when I think about the transformation I’ve made to get where I am today – if you are interested in reading the whole story, you can find out how I turned my life around and became a 6-figure life & mindset coach here.

But babe, the fact is – life (& happiness) is only available in the here and now - neither in the past, nor in the future. And – spoiler alert – it’s your duty to stop holding onto what has already happened - or worrying about what might happen (or not, lol). 

And ughhh, I know, it’s easier said than done. So, that’s why I want to share my 3 go-to mindfulness practices that have helped me feel more balanced, content and happy on a daily basis.

How to find joy & presence in every moment

These 3 practices work as a quick fix for whenever you are feeling overwhelmed, but I highly recommend implementing these exercises into your daily routine – e.g. your morning ritual, to gain long-term benefits. 

Meditate Santorini

1. Practice mindfulness meditation - calm your mind, calm your life

Practicing mindfulness meditation on a regular basis helps you to let go of overwhelming thoughts and calms the mental discourse that goes on and on (and on) inside your mind. It might not feel natural to you in the beginning - but I assure you, it pays off! Lemme introduce you to the easy technique I use during meditation to feel more balanced: 

First, find a quiet place and make yourself comfortable. Try to enjoy the silence and take over the role of an active observer of your own thoughts. There will be positive and negative thoughts coming up so the key is to approach those thoughts with mindfulness:

ATTEND your thoughts & feelings and recognise them for what they are.

ACCEPT them, regardless of their nature. Even though they might be negative and limiting.

APPRECIATE every feeling and every thought occurring during this practice.

FEEL AFFECTION for them, yep – even the negative ones!

ALLOW them as they are and do not try to suppress them.

The point in this practice is to help you to let go of worries, fears, and regrets instead of holding on to them.

If you wanna find out more about meditation and its benefits, you can dive deeper with my 3-step meditation guidelines for beginners.

2. Practice gratitude - focus on the good & the good gets better

Taking 10 minutes to implement a gratitude practice into your daily life is super simple and - honestly babe – it’s an absolute game-changer. The practice of writing down what makes you happy and what you are thankful for not only makes you vibe higher instantly and thus, attract similar things into your life, it also helps you get clear on the activities that actually bring joy into your life. 

Gaining clarity on those will support you in defining your “true essence” & life purpose. So sis, if you are feeling stuck in your reality, unhappy and are not aligned with yourself or your values, gratitude journaling is an effective tool to (re)gain clarity and find happiness in the current moment. 


3. Breathwork - Inhale the present, exhale the past & future

As some of you might know, I did my Yoga Teacher Training in Bali in summer 2019. When I was studying the theories of yoga, the mind-body connection and holistic wellbeing, I also learned about the benefits of breathwork (for the yogis among you, this is mainly known as Pranayama). 

Breathwork is more than an exercise of breathing with intent, it’s a technique that enables you to release mental, physical and emotional tension. Especially when you are feeling anxious and your emotions are run by fears and regrets. Honestly babe, this is SUCH a powerful tool to calm your racing mind and reconnect with the present moment. I want to share a technique with you that really does work and is also beginner-friendly: 

  • Find yourself a quiet place to sit comfortably (or lie down if that’s more relaxing for you).

  • Place one hand on your belly and the other one on your upper chest.

  • Inhale slowly & deeply through the nose, feeling your hand rise while your belly is expanding.

  • Draw the air into your upper chest, feeling the hand rise with the chest.

  • At the peak of the inhalation – stop for a moment – then exhale gently.

  • Repeat & try to imitate a gentle wave movement.

  • Notice how you feel.

If you are interested in more breathwork techniques I highly recommend checking out the work of my girl Rachel Brathen @yogagirl – she is absolutely killing it!

Implementing these 3 super simple mindfulness practices into my morning routine has really made a huge difference for me and I can highly recommend them if you are struggling with finding joy in the present moment. 

I know how life goes sometimes and it can feel totally overwhelming at times – but remember that you are not your thoughts. You are the creator of your life – and you (& only you) are in charge of making this moment (& your life) a friggin’ incredible one! 

If you are seeking some more guidance for reclaiming your power and getting rid of limiting beliefs, anxiety and overwhelm - I feel ya, gurl!

I’m happy to guide you towards the best version of yourself and help you enjoy the present moment more so you can make the most of this beautiful reality :)

My 1:1 VIP mentorship program The True You is all about finding balance, grounding yourself, building unshakable confidence and celebrating the process of becoming your highest self in your everyday life.

Apply for The True You here if you feel called to take the leap.

I am beyond excited to welcome you into my energy soon!

Sending love & light,
