3 Amazing Things I’ve Learnt About Manifestation


As a mindset & manifestation coach, a lot of my clients ask me for my juicy secrets on the Law of Attraction. 

Over the past 7 years, I’ve been actively manifesting & using spiritual laws to co-create the reality of my wildest dreams. From the girl who was unfulfilled, depressed & burnt out - to a thriving woman with a 6-figure coaching business, world travel, dream partner & the most incredible soul friends. 

Mmmhh life got seriously good when I fully understood what manifestation was all about and how I could use it to serve my highest purpose.

If you are new to this community or you’re just thinking, wait Laura - what actually is manifestation or the Law of Attraction?!
You can read my post about what manifestation is & how to use it here. You can also read all about how I manifested my dream life, here. AND, you can find out 5 things you need to know about the Law of Attraction, here.

Since starting on my personal development journey, I’ve built complete faith in the Universe. I’ve developed my manifesting muscle & I’ve got the proof to support it.

But here’s the thing. In order to attract what we want in life, we have to build our faith in the process FIRST.

Which I know is easier said than done.

If you’re not currently living your dream life, it can be hard to see that manifestation actually works.

That’s why I wanted to create this post. I wanted to give you some info that proves that manifestation can work for you.

You see, when you choose to believe it and work WITH it, you’ll be able to create magic in your life much faster than you ever thought possible.

Trust me babe, manifestation is more than just a spiritual buzzword.

So, ready for the facts? Let’s dive in…

  1. It’s a universal law

Everyone knows about gravity, right? Well, lemme tell you - the Law of Attraction is a universal law, just like gravity. 


Just ‘cuz you can’t see gravity, doesn’t mean it’s not there. We never doubt gravity. And the Law of Attraction is the same. It’s always there 24/7 and affects everyone in the same way - it’s simply up to you to choose if and how you use it to your benefit.

There are other spiritual laws too - all of which control how our incredible universe works. This is something I share in more detail in my 90-minute manifestation masterclass - if you’re interested, you can purchase the recording & workbook here.

2. The observer effect

If, like me, you’ve ever read up about quantum physics or anything about how the universe is created, (yep - your girl’s always reading & soaking up all ze knowledge), you’ve probably come across the term that everything is energy. 

Stay with me on the science here, babe - this stuff is guuud:

If you look at anything solid under a microscope, you’d see that it’s made up of a bunch of vibrating atoms. And when you break down an atom, you’ll find that there’s a load of empty space within it.

The crazy fact is: atoms are 99.9999% empty space… and this empty space is what we call energy.

And guess what babe - you are made up of atoms & therefore you are made up of energy, too. The same goes with everythingggg in our universe.

So what has this gotta do with manifestation? Well, sis - quantum physics tells us that this energy is “pure potential”. It’s only when we focus our attention onto energy that it transforms into physical matter.

The result? Your consciousness, your intention & your awareness *literally* creates an energetic shift that impacts how the energy shows up in your reality. Yup… blows my mind.

3. Your mind filters your reality

As an NLP practitioner, I spent mooonths studying how our minds work. I am super passionate about the power of the mind & I love sharing what I’ve learnt through my training and experience with my coaching clients. 

You see, our minds can be used as a tool to filter in the experiences and the reality that we want to create. How? 

Through the Reticular Activating System. 

This is the part of your brain that filters in what you see, hear or experience.

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Because here’s the thing: every day we are exposed to a hellaaaa lot of information that comes to us through our 5 senses. And it’s our Reticular Activating System’s job to filter this information to make it more manageable. 

It compresses it all down and only shows us a really small amount of the information that is actually around us.

And it does this based on your programming - aka, your beliefs. 

Your Reticular Activating System filters in what it *thinks* is most important to you - so if you’re constantly focusing on bad things, it filters in more bad things for you to pick up on. 

How does this link to manifestation? 

It means that by reprogramming your mind, you can choose what your mind filters in & ultimately, what you experience in your reality.

You get to choose what appears in your life - job opportunities, potential soulmates, your dream home etc… you name it, they’ll start showing up in your reality because your mind will start to notice it and filter it in for you to enjoy.

That’s why SO much of what I teach is focused on mindset work - this stuff is friggin’ powerful! By rewiring and reprogramming your mind for success, you create and call in all the things you desire.

Your intention and focus create shifts at an energetic level. And by reprogramming your mind, you are able to filter in *exactly* what it is you want to manifest. Click here to sign up for my free masterclass on how to magnetize your desires as an ambitious female - the value I share inside of this completely free masterclass is priceless, I promise. You can check it out here!

By cultivating a success mindset, you open up a world of opportunity for yourself. And by diving deep into your mind, you unlock a more aligned life.

So babe - if you want some help cultivating an abundance mindset - one that helps you manifest the life of your wildest dreams  - I’d love to support you!

You can apply for my 1:1 coaching program by clicking the link below. 

Together we can help you get clear on your limiting beliefs, behaviours & programming that’s stopping your flow of abundance. And from there, we can work on establishing new habits & beliefs that support you in reaching all of your goals.

I got you babe & I can’t wait to have you in my energy!

Love & light,
