5 Things to Know About the Law of Attraction


Lemme tell you babe - the more you know about manifestation, the easier it is to apply it into yo’ life and create the magic you desire.

I’ve been using the Law of Attraction in my own life for a loooong time and everything that was once on my vision board has become my actual reality. Honestly - I’m still blown away by it all - ‘cuz girl, this thing WORKS! If you’ve recently been introduced to it and wanna find out more, you can read my introduction post all about the Law of Attraction & how it works here

This week, I was inspired to put together a lil list of some of the things I’ve learnt about the Law of Attraction, manifestation & personal development. Hopefully this will help you take control of your own destiny and start attracting everything you’ve ever wanted :)

#1 Life is just as good as your mindset

It really is. Believe me when I tell you that your thoughts create your reality. Your perspective and your outlook on certain events and circumstances ultimately determine the quality of your life. 


When you view an inconvenient situation or an unexpected outcome as entirely negative, & when you keep thinking about, and focusing on, what’s gone wrong - do you know what actually happens? 

Not only do you feel stressed out, but by putting all your attention on the very thing you dislike, you are literally paying for it. 

View your attention as your currency. What are you spending it on? By focusing on negative things, you attract more events of a similar vibration into your life. So always choose wisely if you want a life filled with positive outcomes.

#2 You are in charge of your own destiny

 If you don't work for what it is that you want most in life, you will never have it. 

For years and years, I didn’t live in alignment with my true self & I never made time for the activities (and people) that mattered most to me. And guess what I attracted back?

Only you can design the life of your dreams. It's in your hands… no one else's. In the end, it all comes down to the vibration that you are sending out into the universe. 

The higher your frequency - aka, the more positive your thoughts and the more intense your emotions are - the more you will attract similar things into your life. Keep your vibrations high, at all costs. When your mindset is in a good place, start taking action towards your goals.

#3 Karma is not a bitch. It's a universal law

Everything is energy, babe. There’s no judgement here - & unless there’s an important lesson you’ve been sent to serve your higher purpose, what you experience in life is based on the energy you’ve been putting out. We are all divine creators of our own lives. If you don’t like your reality, YOU have the power to change it. ‘Cuz gurl - I promise you, the Law of Attraction & karma are real. 

Limitations are human-made. They simply don't exist. You have the power to transform your life and have the reality of your wildest dreams. What you put out, you get back.


#4 Mindfulness makes all the difference

Amit Ray says: “Meditate, Visualize and Create your own reality and the universe will simply reflect back to you.”  – and I couldn’t agree more. Taking time for myself in the morning to enjoy a cup of my favourite tea, sit in silence, journal my thoughts and give thanks for all the abundance in my life always sets the tone for a good day.

Never underestimate the power of being with your thoughts and reflecting on your life. If you know your mindset and you’re clear on your goals & the energy you’re putting out - then babe, you’ll create SO much greatness in your life.

If you want to start a mindfulness practice but don’t know where to begin - this post shares my 3 go-to mindfulness practices to help you reconnect and find joy in the present moment.

#5 Nothing happens without action

One thing I see a lot is people meditating, journaling & creating vision boards.. and then nothing happens. Why? Well, sis – those things are GREAT don’t get me wrong. But nothing will change unless you take real, physical action too.

You can’t expect your dream life to appear out of nowhere. YOU have to take the steps towards your goals & dreams. And taking action from a place of alignment is where the magic’s at.

If you’re not sure what your first step might be, my 90-minute, instant-access manifestation masterclass will give you all the guidance you need to level up your manifesting game & start taking aligned action in your life. You’ll learn all about the universal laws that co-exist with the law of attraction & you’ll discover my 7-step actionable process so you can create REAL momentum and massive shifts in your life.

If this is something you feel called to join, you can purchase the masterclass here.

Love and light,
