How to Heal Your Sacral Chakra & Create Balance in Your Life

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Hey fam, for this week’s post, I wanted to talk about a topic that has been on my mind for the past couple of months - energy healing, & in particular, healing the sacral chakra. It’s something that really helped me personally, & is something that I’m sure will help so many of you in creating more balance & better health in your life.

If you’ve followed my journey for a while, you’ll know that I used to suffer from lower back pain.

At the time, I had been studying at university (forcing my way through my studies as a high-achieving, perfectionist, straight A student). I didn’t have a lot of good friends back then and I didn't spend a lot of time pursuing my hobbies. Creating content for Instagram was my only outlet for creativity & joy.

I spent sooo much of my time studying and simultaneously doing research for my life, mindset & manifestation coaching business, which I was then in the process of building.

And I did it. I did it all.

And I had amazing results… Except I was lacking pleasure, joy, creativity and flow. 

My need for balance just simply wasn’t being met.

But I didn’t realize this back then as I was busy working, building, hustling my ass off. (Did I mention that I also had a demanding side job back then to save up money for my travels?) Yep, it was intense, to say the least.

That was when my back pain started - gradually getting worse with each month that passed. I could clearly feel it, but I thought it was just a sign of bad posture. I got a standing desk and kept working. Barely seeing any friends. Barely taking time off to dance, play, date, have fun and ENJOY the present moment. 

I loved writing my captions for Instagram, I loved everything about my job as an influencer. But that's where the pleasure stopped.

I didn't feel fully fulfilled with my life. And I accepted my situation as it was, unable to make any changes.  

If you’re thinking well wait, what has this gotta do with healing your sacral chakra!? Well, babe - the sacral chakra is responsible for creativity, pleasure and flow. And if your life lacks these things, it could be that your sacral chakra is blocked. 

This was for sure the issue for me.

You see, the chakras represent the power centers of our bodies and they are vertically aligned, from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. The second chakra in our body is called Swadhisthana or the sacral chakra and is located under our tail bone.

What is the sacral chakra?

The sacral chakra is all about movement, flow, care, pleasure & sexuality. It represents the balance of masculine & feminine within ourselves.

It’s also about joy, happiness and loving relationships. 


The energy of the sacral chakra stores our desires, feelings and emotions.
But the problem is, the society we live in doesn’t encourage us to be ourselves to do these things.

From an early age, we are told to repress our emotions and desires. We are told not to cry, not to express ourselves publicly and to be ashamed of our own sexuality. We are told to suppress our joy and instead work hard & hustle to achieve success.

The result? All this suppressed energy remains stuck in the second chakra and this is what causes imbalances. 

You can see how my life of hustle, work & no pleasure was leading to pain & imbalance in my life.

I also found out that the sacral chakra hides our shadow side. You might have heard this term in the law of attraction & personal development world. In other words, our sacral chakra becomes home to all the things that we do not like about ourselves. Crazy, right?!

You probably know by now that I am allll about ze deep healing. I have spent years dedicating myself to my personal growth. Uncovering & facing my own BS, rewiring my mind, healing my energy systems and shifting my perspective so I can create my dream life.

‘Cuz if you don’t face your shadow & all the stuff that’s happening deep within?
It usually manifests in all kinds of circumstances that repeat themselves over and over again.

So, when we begin to work with our sacral chakra, we have to deal with our suppressed emotions and feelings of guilt and shame. We also have to face and accept our flaws and understand that they also contribute to who we really are. 

It is only when we reach this understanding that we are able to find some relief.

How to recognize if your sacral chakra is blocked

When your sacral chakra is balanced, you are radiant. You are the badass, amazing, friggin’ incredible goddess that you’re supposed to be. You are full of creative energy and you are spontaneous, free and happy. But, when the sacral chakra is unbalanced, you might experience the following symptoms:

lack of creativity
lack of motivation
lack of sexual desire
co-dependent behaviour
emotional confusion
feeling unimportant
inability to be present
insecurity & fear
low self-esteem
feeling like nobody loves you
back pain
abnormal menstruation
urinary and kidney infection

If your sacral chakra is too active, then you may also find yourself a workaholic, dominant in relationships, obsessed with pleasure & addicted to all kinds of activities that you use as a substitute for love.

Basically, babe -  a blocked sacral chakra can make you feel like you’ve lost control of your life and it can make you feel like you’re unable to take hold of the reins. It can show up as physical problems in your lower body or a range of mental & energetic issues.

When sacral energy flow is blocked, you can become unemotional and experience uncertainty, insecurity, and an inability to cope with life’s changes. You start to feel detached and rigid in your routine to the point where you’re unable to ride out life’s ups and downs. 

This is for sure how I felt. 

It was only when I started looking within and questioning what was happening, that I realised my back pain was linked to my sacral chakra & it was in need of some serious clearing and healing.

How to heal your sacral chakra

If you tend to have your shoulders hunched or bent forward, it’s super likely it’s because of your unhealed sacral chakra. Trying to bring your shoulders to the front is an attempt to hide your chest & close yourself off from the world. It can also be a gesture to protect your heart chakra. 

In order to heal your sacral chakra, you should make a few changes in your lifestyle:

Take good care of yourself

I can’t say this enough babe - sleep enough, eat healthy foods and take longer showers if that helps you relax. Try going to a spa once in a while, too. Ya girl looves getting her massages and nails done :)

Be understanding with yourself

Don’t criticize every action you take. You’re allowed to make mistakes & fuck-ups - you are human so be gentle with yourself, sis.

Be near water

Either by the sea, river or a lake – anything that has to do with water can be helpful in balancing your energy systems.

Drink plenty of liquids

Drink water, fresh juices, soups. I looove sipping on high-quality, hydrogen-rich Kangen Water every day.

Focus on your hobbies

This can be any activity that helps you unleash the creativity inside of you - writing, painting, playing a musical instrument, dancing, etc



To practice a simple sacral chakra healing meditation visualise an orange lotus in the area of the second chakra & hold that image in your mind for a few minutes while breathing deeply. (Psst. you can find more meditation practices for inner peace, here).

Make love in a tantric way

In other words, treat sex as something sacred with lots of gentleness and attention.

Heal or give up on toxic relationships

No longer maintain connections with people who do not promote or support your growth. You deserve the best, sis - so set boundaries & honor yourself.

Balance your masculine and feminine energies

Yoga exercises that involve hip opening or hip rotation are amazing for this. You can also read a whole blog post about how I healed & balanced my feminine energy here.

Spontaneous dance

Spontaneous dancing where you let your body follow the rhythm of the music helps soooo much with releasing blocked energies.

Remember that change always starts from within, babe. If you wanna improve the quality of your life, you gotta identify what causes imbalances in your energy field & then work to restore it.

Trust me, energy healing a real game changer. 

Blocked energy in the sacral chakra can be healed with regular practices that allow energy to flow. I had a looong way to go from hustling & over-working, to learning how to prioritise myself & cultivate balance in my life. 

But I learnt to delegate & to work smarter rather than harder. 

I was so disconnected to the joy of the present moment… So I had to learn to appreciate the beauty of the here and now.

I had to re-balance my feminine energy. 

I had to become comfortable with my sexuality & embrace the fun & playful side of myself. 

The fact is: repressed sexuality leads to serious imbalances in the second chakra. And guess what - working on my own sensuality not only helped me rebalance my sacral chakra, but it also helped me manifest my incredible partner & create a completely fulfilling life.

(Wanna find out more about manifestation & the law of attraction? Read my post '“5 Things to Know About the Law of Attraction” here :))

It blows my mind how the energy systems in our bodies work. As energetic beings, we need this balance in order to appreciate & live life to the full.

No kidding - I was COMPLETELY out of balance. I didn’t prioritise myself or any form of creativity & pleasure. And as a result, I began to suffer the consequences.

So this all got me thinking again about how far I’ve come. How much I have shifted my reality. How I have shifted my energy & my internal world & created an epic external life to match.

I now address my body holistically. And this is something I teach to all of my coaching clients.

By understanding ourselves inside & out, we are able to defuse our imbalances & create the kinda of life we all deserve to live.

So babe, lemme ask you… do you relate to any of the symptoms I shared? Does this resonate with you in any way? Let me know in the comments section below!

So many of my beautiful coaching clients & students are high-achieving, ambitious women, so often-times there’s an underlying imbalance in their life that needs to be addressed in order for them to flow more easily in life.

By clearing, healing & re-prioritising, you’re able to experience profound changes.

Ask yourself the follow questions to assess your sacral chakra:

Are you confident about your self-image? Or do you doubt yourself often?
Do you feel emotionally aware and conscious? Or do you feel ruled by your emotions?
Do you prioritise self-care, pleasure, creativity & joy?
Can you balance passion and personal discipline?
Do you feel connected to the present moment?
Do you feel a passion & excitement for life?

Nothing changes unless you change, babe. Re-connecting with the divine, energetic being inside of you will change things faster than you ever thought possible.

I am so excited to hear how you get on :)

Sending you so much love & light.
